Hello, it's nice to meet you

As frootly emerges into the big-wide-world I’d like to welcome you to the frootly blog - Our thoughts.
Here you will find updates from the frootly team - items of interest about retail, e-commerce, mobile-commerce and its interaction with the people we all serve. You will also find posts about frootly as it evolves - including news, new features, tips, in-depth guides and how-tos. We’ll also be taking a look at how frootly is being used and promoted by retailers; as well as the things we have learned along the way.
If you are wondering what frootly is - you will find more details at frootly.com. To stay informed and quickly hear about updates then follow us on twitter.
If you are looking for detailed information about frootly, or a solution to a particular problem, take a look at our Service Desk - Help Centre you might find the answer you need there.
To say hello, talk about using frootly, or simply ask a question, email us at [email protected] we’d love to hear from you!